Gelly biscuit solfire gardens

Could you please show me which ones ? And do I wait to go into transition til it hits the 2nd fan?


I can’t mark them all but any of this size I’d remove these and any others of similar size. Transition timing is a difficult call your first time growing a specific strain. You can loosely gauge it based on what the lineage and the speed of growth during vegetation. Use your best judgment and flip when you feel she is ready, which could be anytime between now and the point where your plant reaches the top of the second fan (definitely flip before she makes it to the top of the second fan).

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Should I spray this on

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I accidentally cut this off while taking some fan leaves off is this gonna ruin my yield ???

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:grimacing: Can you take a picture of where the branch was located?

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Need a close up showing where the branch was located in reference to the rest of the branches protruding from your main stem.

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Did I top it ?? By removing that

Haha yes you did, let’s see what happens!

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Day 40 can someone please help me with what leaves I should remove ?


All massive fan leaves of this size can go. Do not remove more than 20% of the total plant material in one session.


Can i remove these?

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Yes, any of that size can be removed.