Finally fully calibrated and growing

Hey guys, this my grandma cookies plant. She is 31 days old and love the last week she has really started to grow. Anyone have any tips for a first time novice? Amy advice or tips are greatly welcome.



((#ItIsAlive)): :innocent: (Congratulations): (:handshake:)

((#IWillWatchYouGrow)): :herb::seedling:(:eyes:)



- - -

  • (We Will Focus On Your Top Growth Right Now):

  • (StagesInAGrow): :1234: (SomeReads): :open_book: :eye:

- - -

  • (YouWillWaiteForFive [:five:] NodesBeforeYouThinkAboutToppingIfSheIsNotAnAuto):



Hi @valdron_ingram! Youโ€™re already way ahead of me but looks like a great job topping! :clap:

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I havenโ€™t started topping or training yet.

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My bad! It looked like two stems from the top view there. :crazy_face:

No worries. I canโ€™t wait to start that though. Iโ€™ll feel like Iโ€™m really doing something then, lol. What does your plane look like? How long have you been growing?

Still waiting! I planted her 9/21 at 10 pm, Iโ€™ve peeked digging around in the top of the pod and thereโ€™s a sprout growing but she still hasnโ€™t broken through the surface. Looks like a coco pod lol. Nothing out of the bottom either. Sheโ€™s going to take a while, sheโ€™s a 4 month grower already. I shouldโ€™ve germinated before planting my seed but I did not! Somebody just slap meโ€ฆ

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Sounds like what mine did this time. The seed popped, but it still took a few days for the root to pop out. Good luck on your grow.

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Anyone, should i think about topping my baby. She is 39 days old.