Day 37 transition (day 13/14)

Whats up growmies, came home after a weekender in vegas and this beauty shot up on me! She was just about between both fans when i left on thursday. looks like flower stage is next, being an auto strain should i still stay away from any trimming? First grow super excited to see the next stage!

Skyrone haze
50/50 autoflower
Mainely autos


Ok… lol… Call me cheesey but c’mon…GROWMIES.:rofl::rofl::rofl::clap:t5::clap:t5::ok_hand:t5::ok_hand:t5: That’s amazing lol


@Chem13dog thanks man. My wife claims she married me for my quick wits :rofl:


Now onto my real pride and joy lol… she doin alright should i be doing any snipping? Flower stage starts tonight 7pm!
DISCLAIMER before any techniques/advice know she is an autoflower.


I would definitely still do some trimming. Especially the ones at the bottom of the plant. Id do a couple of the top bigger fan leaves too in order to provide lots of light to your bud sights. And any bud sights that are starting develope near the bottom you will want to trim off too. This will make your top buds a lot better. Another common theme among autos in the grobo is they are typically late to flower and they like to keep stretching so thats something to watch for. Try to keep the tallest buds working to the outside as the light in the center is very hot and will likely burn up your tallest buds.


I would at least trim off all the leaves below the red line and a few big fan leaves at the top


Just did some trimming but don’t want to take it too far without advice from the class. @Chad_Johnson hould k keep going bro? Also are any of the clippings useful? The in-laws are interested in popping them in soil if theyll live.

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Check out this cloning video for what to do with the cuttings. They might grow for you but since it’s an auto (and starting to flower?) it may not be worthwhile to (low or no yield).


@vegetato ill let them try their luck and see what could happen a half day from flower stage. The big fan leaves from up top are mine though lol

Yea, typically trying to clone an auto is a waste of time. You can always dry the leaves out and use them for certain herbal remedies if your into that. I would say that was a pretty good trim job for now though… maybe that one last big fan leaf kinda hanging at the bottom, but otherwise she looks good to me! :+1: can’t wait to see those buds come in!


@Chad_Johnson beyond excited for the next stage! #firstgrow

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