Me me me
I’d like to be beta tester please
I’d be interested as well!
I’m interested as well
I would enjoy being a part of this
I’m down
Yes very interested
I would love to participate!
I’ve just invited you all to the Beta group. Please note that we will not be adding you to the existing tests, but we will include you in future ones so keep an eye out for those!
Please add me
Add me
Ohhh, id love me some beta action. Would love to help with feedback also. TY for the consideration.
I know you have your testers but I’m interested in your next round
Interested. Would very much like to be a part of this.
I’m interested
Still open for Beta testers? I’m interested if so.
beta please
I would totally be down with future Beta tests Figured I’d at least put my name down here.