Any way to really reship a Grobo?

I am curious as I been seeing a bunch of Grobos for sale and seems some are great prices, just there is no way to get it. Before I tried to get a UPS quote and not sure it was right or not, but was around $400. Seems high and not sure Grobo is paying $400, so anyone know of “any” options?

Say you have the original box and packaging, how can you really ship this? I am only curious as I could have bought 2 used ones for the price of the Grobo 2 I just added and if I wanted to add a Grobo 3 or Grobo 4 even, rather pay $800/$1000 than $2000 if I can. :grinning:

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where are you located at? $500 professional delivery service available pending your location :slight_smile:

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